
Ashton Mitchell Sustainability

designing sustainable spaces

At Ashton Mitchell, we firmly believe in the pivotal role Architects can and should play in shaping a sustainable future. We’re committed to creating more sustainable, healthier spaces for living and working, which in turn will help make a positive impact on climate change.

Our team know all about the Healthy Homes Act and the latest Homestar and Greenstar requirements and put this knowledge to use in designing spaces that not only meet, but exceed those requirements. As longstanding members of the NZ Green Building Council & registered Homestar Practitioners, our new apartment building projects aim for minimum Homestar 6 certification.

We aim to incorporate passive design principles into every project – prioritising natural light, ample ventilation, and thermal efficiency.

responding to the challenges of climate change

We don’t just pay lip service to climate change. We’ve put in place practical steps to do something about it.

We are signatories of the New Zealand Architects Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency accord and are right behind transitioning to a low-emissions and low-waste economy (we’re in the process of becoming a certified Carbon Zero practice through Toitū carbonzero certification).